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Mon | May 13-2024 | 5:34 pm EDT

How firms set their prices in eurozone?

ECB recently conducted a survey asking 58 leading non-financial companies that operate across the euro area in eurozone their price-setting behaviors, the results provide a helpful dataset for macroeconomists’ use.

Bernanke on Trump’s Fiscal Policy 

Ben Bernanke has a new blog post on Brookings. The focus of the post is to explain "the large difference between the reactions of the Fed and the markets to the change in fiscal prospects since the election"

The repo spike is not liquidity crisis; it is a crisis for Fed’s floor...

The floor system needs a cap on top of it. The sooner the Fed realizes it, the better they will be prepared for the coming financial turmoil.

Why hadn’t Federal Reserve rescued Lehman Brothers in 2008?

This week, the trio who was directly responsible for the decision to let Lehman fail – Bernanke, Tim Geithner (then New York Fed President), and Hank Paulson (then Treasury Secretary) – joined together at a panel held by Brookings Institution and spoke about the lessons they had learned from the crisis.

“Concrete Economics” Review

Prof. Brad Delong's blogs, either "bradford-delong.com" or over at " Equitable Growth" , are definitely two of the most influential economics blogs in the blogosphere, and I read both of them daily. More than...

Cochrane responds to Sumner’s discussion on inflation stabilization regimes

Nothing would make us more proud than seeing intelligent and informed people discuss the ideas we have put forth in the interview series. So it is our great honor to know that there is...

The Missing Profits of Nations and Multinationals’ Extreme Profitability in Tax Havens

The economics of tax evasion is a growing field in academic economics. There are much new exciting research trying to understand the mechanism behind global tax evasion. "The Missing Profits of Nations” by Thomas R. Tørsløv, Ludvig S. Wier and Gabriel Zucman is one of the most noteworthy research on the dynamic behind global tax evasions.

What is Hysteresis?

Hysteresis is referred to the hypothesis that recessions may have permanent effects on the level of output relative to trend.

Is there a Zero Lower Bound?

In a recent research, four European Central Bank economists found that negative interest rate policy in the eurozone can encourage banks to increase lending and encourage cooperations to increase investments.That is, contrary to what macroeconomics models usually predict, interest rate policy can still has stimulative effect even the zero lower bound is reached.

Aging, Output Per Capita and Secular Stagnation

Gauti B. Eggertsson, Manuel Lancastre, and Lawrence H. Summers explain in their paper "Aging, Output Per Capita and Secular Stagnation" the role of aging in the Secular Stagnation model.
