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Fri | Jul 26-2024 | 5:50 pm EDT

The Fed’s Interest Rate Policy Regime – Corridor System or Floor System

The Fed has changed it interest rate policy regime since 2008, from the so-called Corridor system, to the Floor system it is using right now. What is the different?
Blanchard Cover Photo

The model you should use to explain Macroeconomics to your Mum | Q&A with...

>Professor Olivier Blanchard further explained the role empirical research on DSGE models, how to teach undergraduates macro after the Great Recession, and his research on hysteresis.

The Disappointments with Post-Great Recession Macroeconomics | Q&A with Kocherlakota |

Welcome to the latest installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”“Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?” is an interview series which we ask top...

FedSpeak Might Not Have Much Effects on Public’s Inflation Expectation

In a recent NBER working paper "Monetary Policy Communications and their Effects on Household Inflation Expectations", economists Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Michael Weber tried to find out how the household's expectation for inflation change with regard to the information they received.
Joseph Gagnon Cover

The effects of Unconventional Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy | Q&A with Joseph Gagnon

The honorable guest for this installment is Joseph E. Gagnon, senior fellow at Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE). We discussed one of his latest research paper "Unconventional Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies" and the new book he coauthored with C. Fred Bergsten, "Currency Conflict and Trade Policy: A New Strategy for the United States". Gagnon also shared his view on the very popular "Global Financial Cycle" ideas.

Cochrane responds to Sumner’s discussion on inflation stabilization regimes

Nothing would make us more proud than seeing intelligent and informed people discuss the ideas we have put forth in the interview series. So it is our great honor to know that there is...

Phillips Curve is Not a Straight Line…

A story about three economists agree with the prevailing consensus that the Phillips Curve of the US is flattened in the last few decades on the one hand; and dispute the idea that the Phillips Curve is dead on the other.

Early signs of inflation expectation de-anchoring back in 2021

Ricardo Reis, economics professor at the London School of Economics, explained that there were telling signs that the increase in cost of living started ealry-2021 was not a "transitory" phenomenon.

What is New Keynesian DSGE Models?

DSGE is a methodology for a wide range of macroeconomics models. One of the most common formulations is the so-called New Keynesian model. New Keynesian economics can be interpreted as an effort to combine the methodological tools developed by real business cycle theory with some of the central tenets of Keynesian economics tracing back to Keynes’ own General Theory.

QE: A User’s Guide | #FurtherDiscussed

In a recent policy research, Joseph Gagnon of Peterson Institute for International Economics and Brian Sack of D.E. Shaw Group asked an important question: when the Federal Reserve implement QE in the next crisis, should they use it somewhat differently?

Global Economy


John Cochrane Cover Photo

Fiscal Theory of Price Level and State of Macroeconomics | Q&A with John Cochrane...

John Cochrane talks about Fiscal Theory of Price Level and how can we apply this theory on the current macroeconomy.

How to Maintain Prosperity for All | Interview with Roger Farmer

Roger Farmer explains : Why central banks should consider stock market intervention in stabilizing the employment markets?

Interview with Paul Romer – On Charter Cities (and HK) and Growth Theory

"There is a big difference between saying you want to allow for city-scale reform zones that will encourage reform of government and innovation in government, and saying that you want to do away with government entirely and let a corporate entity run a private city," says Nobel winning economist Paul Romer.
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Is Inequality part of Macroeconomics? | Interview with Branko Milanovic |

Branko Milanovic discusses whether the study of inequality can be considered as part of macroeconomics and how should macroeconomists incorporate his idea of Kuznets Waves into their models.