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Tue | May 14-2024 | 1:15 pm EDT

A Pitfall of Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index

In recent months, the Global Economic Policy Uncertainty index has risen to a level much higher than periods around the 911 Terrorist Attack or the 2008 Financial Crisis, hence the conclusion that the economic policy is unprecedently uncertain now.But here is why you might not have to worry.

Helicopter Money is here in Hong Kong? Well…

“The money helicopter has arrived,” Claire Jones writes in her FT Alphaville post, citing Hong Kong Finance Secretary’s announcement of a handout of HKD 10,000 to each permanent resident in the city.As a Hong...

Phillips Curve is Not a Straight Line…

A story about three economists agree with the prevailing consensus that the Phillips Curve of the US is flattened in the last few decades on the one hand; and dispute the idea that the Phillips Curve is dead on the other.

What is Hysteresis?

Hysteresis is referred to the hypothesis that recessions may have permanent effects on the level of output relative to trend.

Why hadn’t Federal Reserve rescued Lehman Brothers in 2008?

This week, the trio who was directly responsible for the decision to let Lehman fail – Bernanke, Tim Geithner (then New York Fed President), and Hank Paulson (then Treasury Secretary) – joined together at a panel held by Brookings Institution and spoke about the lessons they had learned from the crisis.

ECB’s Praet on Eurozone’s Secular Stagnation

Peter Praet, Executive Board Member of the ECB:Central to this debate is whether the slow growth can be attributed to cyclical – and hence ultimately transitory – factors related to the financial crisis,...

Why Negative Rate is a better policy tool to Higher Inflation Target? Bernanke Explains…

In his latest Brookings blog post "Modifying the Fed’s policy framework: Does a higher inflation target beat negative interest rates?", Ben Bernanke compares two policy tools central banks can use to stimulate the economy...

How firms set their prices in eurozone?

ECB recently conducted a survey asking 58 leading non-financial companies that operate across the euro area in eurozone their price-setting behaviors, the results provide a helpful dataset for macroeconomists’ use.
