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Home Tags Interest Rate Policy

Tag: Interest Rate Policy

Is there a Zero Lower Bound?

In a recent research, four European Central Bank economists found that negative interest rate policy in the eurozone can encourage banks to increase lending and encourage cooperations to increase investments.That is, contrary to what macroeconomics models usually predict, interest rate policy can still has stimulative effect even the zero lower bound is reached.

Global Economy


Cover Photo with Calomiris

Politics and the Economics of Banking Crises | Q&A with Charles Calomiris |

In this installment, we continue our discussion with Prof. Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions at Columbia Business School. The topic of this installment is the missing role of politics in economics models of banking crises. We also discussed if Calomiris thinks macroeconomics has a similar problem.

Integrating Psychology with Economics | Q&A with Hersh Shefrin & Shlomo Benartzi

In celebration of Richard Thaler's prize lecture for his 2017 Nobel prize, we interviewed two of his best co-authors -- Hersh Shefrin and Shlomo Benartzi -- to discuss the future of behavioral economics.

The Disappointments with Post-Great Recession Macroeconomics | Q&A with Kocherlakota |

Welcome to the latest installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”“Where is the General Theory of the...

Understanding the Great Recession | Interviews with Larry Christiano |

Larry Christiano, one of the most prominent researcher on DSGE model, explains what his research "Understanding the Great Recession" tell us about the Great Recession as well as labor participation rate's role in the developments of the Great Recession.