20.1 C
Tue | Oct 22-2024 | 1:29 pm EDT

Blanchard’s “Policy Model” v “Theory Model”

Back in November last year, Professor Olivier Blanchard discussed with me about his view that there should be four types of macroeconomics, and "theory models" like DSGEs is just one of them. Here is...

Bernanke on Trump’s Fiscal Policy 

Ben Bernanke has a new blog post on Brookings. The focus of the post is to explain "the large difference between the reactions of the Fed and the markets to the change in fiscal prospects since the election"

What is Hysteresis?

Hysteresis is referred to the hypothesis that recessions may have permanent effects on the level of output relative to trend.

What is New Keynesian DSGE Models?

DSGE is a methodology for a wide range of macroeconomics models. One of the most common formulations is the so-called New Keynesian model. New Keynesian economics can be interpreted as an effort to combine the methodological tools developed by real business cycle theory with some of the central tenets of Keynesian economics tracing back to Keynes’ own General Theory.

What Macroeconomists agree with each others, according to Blanchard

Olivier Blanchard a list of things that macroeconomists normally agreed on and need no further discussions.

What do others think about Paul Romer’s worries… (II)

The discussion on Paul Romer's "The Trouble with Macroeconomics" continues in the blogosphere, and Simon Wren -Lewis's "Paul Romer on macroeconomics" is one of the Must-Reads.In his comments, Wren-Lewis said that Romer's view is...

Why Negative Rate is a better policy tool to Higher Inflation Target? Bernanke Explains…

In his latest Brookings blog post "Modifying the Fed’s policy framework: Does a higher inflation target beat negative interest rates?", Ben Bernanke compares two policy tools central banks can use to stimulate the economy...

What is FTPL (Fiscal Theory of Price Level)?

The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level says that money has value because the government accepts it for taxes, and inflation is fundamentally a fiscal phenomenon

“Concrete Economics” Review

Prof. Brad Delong's blogs, either "bradford-delong.com" or over at " Equitable Growth" , are definitely two of the most influential economics blogs in the blogosphere, and I read both of them daily. More than...

Global Economy


Cochrane Cover Photo

What is Neo-Fisherian and FTPL? | Q&A with John Cochrane |

Cochrane discusses with us his view on the development in Macroeconomics since the Great Depression. He also explains what Neo-Fisherian and Fiscal Theory of Price Level are, and why they are important for understanding the current economic situation around the world.

Performance of Macroeconomics is not that bad! | Q&A with Ricardo Reis |

In the interview, Ricardo Reis discuss with us his latest research project - "Reservism", the study of the role of reserves on central bank balance sheets and their implications for central bank solvency, quantitative easing, and the ability to control inflation.
John Cochrane Cover Photo

Fiscal Theory of Price Level and State of Macroeconomics | Q&A with John Cochrane...

John Cochrane talks about Fiscal Theory of Price Level and how can we apply this theory on the current macroeconomy.

The Disappointments with Post-Great Recession Macroeconomics | Q&A with Kocherlakota |

Welcome to the latest installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”“Where is the General Theory of the...