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Tag: Bank of England

Bank of England will likely retire Fan chart, Andrew Bailey says

Bank of England's Fan charts would probably be replaced by "alternative scenario" projections, which illustrate how policy might react under different economic developments.

Leading indicator for UK goods inflation

One of the leading indicators Bank of England (BoE) uses to predict the future direction of goods inflation is the manufacturing producer price index (PPI) growth rate. The close relation, however, has broken down in the past year.

Bank of England raises interest rate by 0.5%—notes on the Bank’s decision

Bank of England on Thursday decided to raise its benchmark interest rate by 0.5% to 5%, larger than the market expectation of a 0.25% increase. The decision followed Office of Nation Statistics' publication of a 8.7% CPI inflation reading for the year to May on Wednesday.

BoE to run system-wide evaluation on financial system including non-banks

Bank of England will conduct a system-wide exploratory scenario (SWES) exercise on the UK financial markets to see how well both banks and non-bank financial institutions can handle stress market conditions.

UK CPI inflation eases to 8.7% but food inflation still close to 20%

The headline CPI figure slowed down to 8.7% in April, from 10.1% in March, while core inflation accelerated to 6.8%, from 6.2%

UK inflation remains above 10% as food prices continues rapid rise

The UK CPI rose 10.1% in the year to March, still remain in double digits even though analysts expected the annual rate to fall to 9.8%

Market sees Bank of England to raise rate to 4% by May

The financial market expecting the UK policy interest rate UK will break 4% by May, more than double the current level of 1.75%. Financial Times reported.

Debt Growth Rate, not Level, Predicts Slowdown

Last week, Bank of England's Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy Ben Broadbent gave an insightful speech about debt dynamics.An important point Broadbent has...

Global Economy


How to use Interest on Reserve for Inflation Targeting? | Q&A with Ricardo Reis...

This is the eighth installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”In this installment, we continue our talk...

US needs large-scale Covid testing urgently: Nobel winning economist Paul Romer

In an exclusive interview with EconReporter on Tuesday, Romer, co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics Science, urged the US to adopt large-scale testing immediately to halt this most detrimental economic slump ever since the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Integrating Psychology with Economics | Q&A with Hersh Shefrin & Shlomo Benartzi

In celebration of Richard Thaler's prize lecture for his 2017 Nobel prize, we interviewed two of his best co-authors -- Hersh Shefrin and Shlomo Benartzi -- to discuss the future of behavioral economics.
Joseph Gagnon Cover

The effects of Unconventional Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy | Q&A with Joseph Gagnon

The honorable guest for this installment is Joseph E. Gagnon, senior fellow at Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE). We discussed one of his latest research paper "Unconventional Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies" and the new book he coauthored with C. Fred Bergsten, "Currency Conflict and Trade Policy: A New Strategy for the United States". Gagnon also shared his view on the very popular "Global Financial Cycle" ideas.