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Home 2018 September

Monthly Archives: September 2018

Why hadn’t Federal Reserve rescued Lehman Brothers in 2008?

This week, the trio who was directly responsible for the decision to let Lehman fail – Bernanke, Tim Geithner (then New York Fed President), and Hank Paulson (then Treasury Secretary) – joined together at a panel held by Brookings Institution and spoke about the lessons they had learned from the crisis.

Aging, Output Per Capita and Secular Stagnation

Gauti B. Eggertsson, Manuel Lancastre, and Lawrence H. Summers explain in their paper "Aging, Output Per Capita and Secular Stagnation" the role of aging in the Secular Stagnation model.

Global Economy


Atif Mian WITGT Cover

Major Shifts in Macroeconomics Since the Great Recession | Interview with Atif Mian

Atif Mian, co-author of House of Debt, discusses what he thinks are the "revolutionary" changes in macroeconomic academia since the Great Recession.
Cochrane Cover Photo

What is Neo-Fisherian and FTPL? | Q&A with John Cochrane |

Cochrane discusses with us his view on the development in Macroeconomics since the Great Depression. He also explains what Neo-Fisherian and Fiscal Theory of Price Level are, and why they are important for understanding the current economic situation around the world.

Integrating Psychology with Economics | Q&A with Hersh Shefrin & Shlomo Benartzi

In celebration of Richard Thaler's prize lecture for his 2017 Nobel prize, we interviewed two of his best co-authors -- Hersh Shefrin and Shlomo Benartzi -- to discuss the future of behavioral economics.

Why Yellen should have stayed as Fed Governor? | Interview with Conti-Brown

Peter Conti-Brown, author of one of the best book about the institution of Fed, "The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve", explains what Jay Powell's nomination means to the Fed independence and why Janet Yellen should have stay as governor after his Chair term ended.