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Home 2018 January

Monthly Archives: January 2018

“The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870-2015”

How Alan Taylor, one of the authors of "The Rate of Return on Everything, 1870-2015" explains the liquidity premium problem when we compare the rate of return on Housing and Equity

Global Economy


John Cochrane Cover Photo

Fiscal Theory of Price Level and State of Macroeconomics | Q&A with John Cochrane...

John Cochrane talks about Fiscal Theory of Price Level and how can we apply this theory on the current macroeconomy.

How Household Debt affect the Global Business Cycles | Q&A with Atif Mian |

In this installment of the interview, Professor Mian explains the major findings in his recent research paper "Household Debt and Business Cycles World Wide" and the important implications of that paper.

Interview with Paul Romer on large scale Covid testing – Transcript

Edited transcript of our interview with Paul Romer, on why the US urgently to scale up testing for Covid-19 and why he thinks the covid-crisis amounts an intellectual failure

Understanding the Great Recession | Interviews with Larry Christiano |

Larry Christiano, one of the most prominent researcher on DSGE model, explains what his research "Understanding the Great Recession" tell us about the Great Recession as well as labor participation rate's role in the developments of the Great Recession.