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Global Economy
US needs large-scale Covid testing urgently: Nobel winning economist Paul Romer
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In an exclusive interview with EconReporter on Tuesday, Romer, co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics Science, urged the US to adopt large-scale testing immediately to halt this most detrimental economic slump ever since the Great Depression in the 1930s.
How to use Interest on Reserve for Inflation Targeting? | Q&A with Ricardo Reis...
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This is the eighth installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”In this installment, we continue our talk...
How the Game of Bank Bargains Created the Financial Crisis? | Q&A with Calomiris...
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Welcome to the latest installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”“Where is the General Theory of the...
A Macroeconomic Earthquake | Q&A with Larry Christiano
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In this interview, Prof Christiano shared his view on the development of post-2008 academic macroeconomics. We’ve asked Prof Christiano does he agree that modern macroeconomic models are too complicated for the general public, or even policymakers and if he agrees that economic models should be “simpler”. Does he think the recent revival of ISLM model a “good trend”? Should Macroeconomists hang on their faith in DSGE models? Should they explore alternative paths?