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Tag: US Jobs Report

US nonfarm payroll beats expectations in June amid signs of cooling off

US nonfarm payroll increased by 206,000 in June, beating market expectation of 190,000, amid signs that job growth in cooling off as the the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised down the May and April by a combined 111,000 in its report released Friday.

US gains 272,000 jobs in May, blows past expectations

US gained 272,000 nonfarm employment in May blew past market expectations of an 185,000 increase. Meanwhile, unemployment rate rose to 4%, which is the highest level since November 2021.

US April Jobs Report – Unemployment rate rises back to 3.9% as Nonfarm Payroll...

Nonfarm payroll increased 175,000 in April, a significant reduction from 315,000 in March and fell short of the market expectation of 243,000. Meanwhile, US unemployment rebounded to 3.9%

US payroll growth in Jan beats expectations

US nonfarm payroll increased 353,000 and Unemployment rate as 3.7% in January

US gains 339,000 jobs while unemployment rate rises to 3.7%

Employers in the US added 339,000 jobs in May, but at the same time 440,000 more people reported they were unemployed

Resilient US job market continues easing trend

Non-farm payroll booked an increase of 236,000 in March, a further deceleration from February's 326,000, which was revised upward from the preliminary figure of 311,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' establishment survey.

Global Economy


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