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Tag: Sovereign Money

100% Reserve System is coming? – The Swiss Sovereign Money Referendum

The Swiss sovereign-money referendum, also known as the Sovereign-Money Initiative, which aims to creates a safe and crisis-free, yet experimental, banking system in Switzerland will be held on 10th June.

Global Economy


Branko Milanovic Cover 2

Is Inequality part of Macroeconomics? | Interview with Branko Milanovic |

Branko Milanovic discusses whether the study of inequality can be considered as part of macroeconomics and how should macroeconomists incorporate his idea of Kuznets Waves into their models.
Cochrane Cover Photo

What is Neo-Fisherian and FTPL? | Q&A with John Cochrane |

Cochrane discusses with us his view on the development in Macroeconomics since the Great Depression. He also explains what Neo-Fisherian and Fiscal Theory of Price Level are, and why they are important for understanding the current economic situation around the world.

How to use Interest on Reserve for Inflation Targeting? | Q&A with Ricardo Reis...

This is the eighth installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”In this installment, we continue our talk...

Why Yellen should have stayed as Fed Governor? | Interview with Conti-Brown

Peter Conti-Brown, author of one of the best book about the institution of Fed, "The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve", explains what Jay Powell's nomination means to the Fed independence and why Janet Yellen should have stay as governor after his Chair term ended.