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Fri | Jul 26-2024 | 10:42 pm EDT
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The Fed’s Interest Rate Policy Regime – Corridor System or Floor System

The Fed has changed it interest rate policy regime since 2008, from the so-called Corridor system, to the Floor system it is using right now. What is the different?

Global Economy


John Cochrane Cover Photo

Fiscal Theory of Price Level and State of Macroeconomics | Q&A with John Cochrane...

John Cochrane talks about Fiscal Theory of Price Level and how can we apply this theory on the current macroeconomy.

How to use Interest on Reserve for Inflation Targeting? | Q&A with Ricardo Reis...

This is the eighth installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?”In this installment, we continue our talk...

Interview with Paul Romer on large scale Covid testing – Transcript

Edited transcript of our interview with Paul Romer, on why the US urgently to scale up testing for Covid-19 and why he thinks the covid-crisis amounts an intellectual failure

Integrating Psychology with Economics | Q&A with Hersh Shefrin & Shlomo Benartzi

In celebration of Richard Thaler's prize lecture for his 2017 Nobel prize, we interviewed two of his best co-authors -- Hersh Shefrin and Shlomo Benartzi -- to discuss the future of behavioral economics.