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How to use the Fed’s FIMA Repo — the case of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank of Hong Kong, announced on April 22 that it will utilize the Fed's FIMA Repo facility to borrow USD 10 billion of cash.

Global Economy


Understanding the Great Recession | Interviews with Larry Christiano |

Larry Christiano, one of the most prominent researcher on DSGE model, explains what his research "Understanding the Great Recession" tell us about the Great Recession as well as labor participation rate's role in the developments of the Great Recession.

How to Maintain Prosperity for All | Interview with Roger Farmer

Roger Farmer explains : Why central banks should consider stock market intervention in stabilizing the employment markets?
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Global Inequality and Kuznets Waves | Q&A with Branko Milanovic |

Welcome to the latest installment of our interview series “Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?” “Where is the General Theory of the...
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Is Inequality part of Macroeconomics? | Interview with Branko Milanovic |

Branko Milanovic discusses whether the study of inequality can be considered as part of macroeconomics and how should macroeconomists incorporate his idea of Kuznets Waves into their models.