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Fri | Oct 11-2024 | 12:30 am EDT
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Tag: Bail-in

CoCo issuance and bank fragility

A series of papers by Stefan Avdjiev, Bilyana Bogdanova, Patrick Bolton, Wei Jiang, and Anastasia Kartasheva on this topic is highly recommended.

Global Economy


Joseph Gagnon Cover

The effects of Unconventional Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy | Q&A with Joseph Gagnon

The honorable guest for this installment is Joseph E. Gagnon, senior fellow at Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE). We discussed one of his latest research paper "Unconventional Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies" and the new book he coauthored with C. Fred Bergsten, "Currency Conflict and Trade Policy: A New Strategy for the United States". Gagnon also shared his view on the very popular "Global Financial Cycle" ideas.

Understanding the Great Recession | Interviews with Larry Christiano |

Larry Christiano, one of the most prominent researcher on DSGE model, explains what his research "Understanding the Great Recession" tell us about the Great Recession as well as labor participation rate's role in the developments of the Great Recession.

Economics Rules – Why Economists do it with Models | Q&A with Dani Rodrik

Rodrik explained why good economists think in terms of models, and what are major differences between models and theory. He also told us why macroeconomists' quest to find "the one true model" on the business cycle is probably misguided.
The Midas Paradox Cover

Midas Paradox and the Great Depression | Q&A with Scott Sumner |

Welcome! This is the first installment of our interview series "Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?""Where is the General Theory of...