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Monthly Archives: February 2023

Fed-preferred PCE price index accelerated in January

Core PCE inflation rose 4.7% in January YoY, beating expectation of 4.4% increase. The Fed-preferred price index rose 0.6% MoM compared to the market expectation of 0.5%.

Global Economy


How Household Debt affect the Global Business Cycles | Q&A with Atif Mian |

In this installment of the interview, Professor Mian explains the major findings in his recent research paper "Household Debt and Business Cycles World Wide" and the important implications of that paper.
Cover Photo with Calomiris

Politics and the Economics of Banking Crises | Q&A with Charles Calomiris |

In this installment, we continue our discussion with Prof. Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions at Columbia Business School. The topic of this installment is the missing role of politics in economics models of banking crises. We also discussed if Calomiris thinks macroeconomics has a similar problem.
Blanchard Cover Photo

The model you should use to explain Macroeconomics to your Mum | Q&A with...

>Professor Olivier Blanchard further explained the role empirical research on DSGE models, how to teach undergraduates macro after the Great Recession, and his research on hysteresis.

Performance of Macroeconomics is not that bad! | Q&A with Ricardo Reis |

In the interview, Ricardo Reis discuss with us his latest research project - "Reservism", the study of the role of reserves on central bank balance sheets and their implications for central bank solvency, quantitative easing, and the ability to control inflation.