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Yearly Archives: 2022

Market sees Bank of England to raise rate to 4% by May

The financial market expecting the UK policy interest rate UK will break 4% by May, more than double the current level of 1.75%. Financial Times reported.

The sizes of Sept rate hike to be decided on upcoming data, Fed officials say

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) participants gather at the William McChesney Martin Jr. Building in Washington, D.C., for a two-day meeting held on June 14-15, 2022
Ahead of Jay Powell's keynote speech in Jackson Hole on Friday, two Fed officials said more rate hikes are still warranted, but they said it's too early to decide on the size rate increase yet.

Fed’s swap lines help easing Covid-era global dollar shortage

Countries with swap line arrangement with Federal Reserve, be it the standing ones or temporary, saw smaller increases in spread during the initial pandemic stress period.

US bans energy imports from Russia

Biden announces ban on Russian energy
"Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at US ports," President Biden said.

World Bank seeks to provide further USD 350 million loans to Ukraine

The World Bank is aiming to fast track the process to provide Ukraine an additional USD 350 million loan in the next few days, or as soon as the end of this week, Reuters cited people familiar with the plans.

Sberbank’s European subsidiaries placed under payment moratorium amid sanctions

Five Rubles
EU’s Single Resolution Board has enforced payment moratorium on three European subsidiaries of Russian bank Sberbank, which is under US-led sanction, and is accessing whether any resolution action would be need to to protect public interest.

Global Economy


Interview with Paul Romer – On Charter Cities (and HK) and Growth Theory

"There is a big difference between saying you want to allow for city-scale reform zones that will encourage reform of government and innovation in government, and saying that you want to do away with government entirely and let a corporate entity run a private city," says Nobel winning economist Paul Romer.