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Monthly Archives: April 2020

How to use the Fed’s FIMA Repo — the case of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de facto central bank of Hong Kong, announced on April 22 that it will utilize the Fed's FIMA Repo facility to borrow USD 10 billion of cash.

Global Economy


How Household Debt affect the Global Business Cycles | Q&A with Atif Mian |

In this installment of the interview, Professor Mian explains the major findings in his recent research paper "Household Debt and Business Cycles World Wide" and the important implications of that paper.

Why Yellen should have stayed as Fed Governor? | Interview with Conti-Brown

Peter Conti-Brown, author of one of the best book about the institution of Fed, "The Power and Independence of the Federal Reserve", explains what Jay Powell's nomination means to the Fed independence and why Janet Yellen should have stay as governor after his Chair term ended.

US needs large-scale Covid testing urgently: Nobel winning economist Paul Romer

In an exclusive interview with EconReporter on Tuesday, Romer, co-recipient of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics Science, urged the US to adopt large-scale testing immediately to halt this most detrimental economic slump ever since the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Interview with Paul Romer – On Charter Cities (and HK) and Growth Theory

"There is a big difference between saying you want to allow for city-scale reform zones that will encourage reform of government and innovation in government, and saying that you want to do away with government entirely and let a corporate entity run a private city," says Nobel winning economist Paul Romer.