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Home 2018 November

Monthly Archives: November 2018

The sovereign-bank “doom loop”

Since the Euro crisis, investors and policymakers are well aware of the so-called "doom loop" between the banking system and the sovereign. That is, a crisis originating in the banking system (sovereign) will weaken the sovereign (banking system), which in turn will worsen the banking (sovereign) crisis itself.In a recent ECB discussion Paper "Managing the sovereign-bank nexus", the 7 economists - Giovanni Dell’Ariccia, Caio Ferreira, Nigel Jenkinson, Luc Laeven, Alberto Martin, Camelia Minoiu, and Alexander Popov - coauthored the paper suggested that the banks and sovereigns are linked by three interacting channels:

The Missing Profits of Nations and Multinationals’ Extreme Profitability in Tax Havens

The economics of tax evasion is a growing field in academic economics. There are much new exciting research trying to understand the mechanism behind global tax evasion. "The Missing Profits of Nations” by Thomas R. Tørsløv, Ludvig S. Wier and Gabriel Zucman is one of the most noteworthy research on the dynamic behind global tax evasions.

Hysteresis – An Underrated Macroeconomics Question

Hysteresis is referred to the hypothesis that recessions may have permanent effects on the level of output relative to trend.

The Fed’s Interest Rate Policy Regime – Corridor System or Floor System

The Fed has changed it interest rate policy regime since 2008, from the so-called Corridor system, to the Floor system it is using right now. What is the different?

CoCo issuance and bank fragility

A series of papers by Stefan Avdjiev, Bilyana Bogdanova, Patrick Bolton, Wei Jiang, and Anastasia Kartasheva on this topic is highly recommended.

Global Economy


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Is Inequality part of Macroeconomics? | Interview with Branko Milanovic |

Branko Milanovic discusses whether the study of inequality can be considered as part of macroeconomics and how should macroeconomists incorporate his idea of Kuznets Waves into their models.
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What is Neo-Fisherian and FTPL? | Q&A with John Cochrane |

Cochrane discusses with us his view on the development in Macroeconomics since the Great Depression. He also explains what Neo-Fisherian and Fiscal Theory of Price Level are, and why they are important for understanding the current economic situation around the world.

Why the Fed should Keep a Sizeable Balance Sheet? | Q&A with Jeremy...

Jeremy Stein, former Federal Reserve governor, talks to us about his recent research “The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet as a Financial-Stability Tool” and why the Fed should maintain a sizeable balance sheet.
The Midas Paradox Cover

Midas Paradox and the Great Depression | Q&A with Scott Sumner |

Welcome! This is the first installment of our interview series "Where is the General Theory of the 21st Century?""Where is the General Theory of...